

The app is designed to maximize playing space on the screen while allowing user full control. Once opened, all menus close through the same X shaped Close UI icon. The other icons are pretty self explanatory. Note that you can throw the dice either through the throw icon or by shaking the device.

The INFO icon provides access to all documentation available for the dice while playing with it.


Dice types and the customisable 6 dice.

At the moment the app supports 8 types of dice. More types will be available in the future.


The second dice from the top (the one with letters instead of numbers or dots) allows users to customise each face of a standard 6 faces dice with arbitrary text and images. Any font type supported by the device can be used.  Create the dice first, close the dice creation menu, then click on the 6 dice  to edit it.

This customisable dice allows the user to also add and store custom textures on the dice, by loading them from the camera.
Select the dice on the Imgtable, click on one of the camera icons, select the image from the iOS photo library... and it will be automatically applied to the respective dice face.
PLEASE NOTE: the amount of texture dice supported is device dependant. The app may crash if too many high res textures are loaded on some of the older iPads!


Changing dice textures

Selecting any of the dice on the table will open the texture menu. Users can choose from a collection of 20 different textures.


Changing background textures

The half circle orange button at the bottom left of the table will open the UI for changing the table background. 5 different textures are available. 


Storing and retrieving die 6 labels

Selecting a die 6 whch supports labels on the table will automatically open the storing and retrieving UIs. The green arrow will allow you to store the current die 6 labels and textures. While the red arrows will allow you to retrieve them on the current die 6.
Up to 4 preferences can be saved and they are kept between sessions.
Dragging on the labels on any of storage UIs will allow you to pan te list up and down.

PLEASE NOTE: the amount of texture dice supported is device dependant. The app may crash if too many high res tectures are loaded!